Regular Services

Our 8.15 am Sunday service
This is a said service (no singing) with communion in the morning peace of the church.

Our 10 am Thursday service
A said morning service with communion for those able to attend mid week.
Our 11 am Sunday Services
The first Sunday in the month is an All Age service, for families (and everyone else).
This service encourages the children of the congregation to take part and is less formal, with modern hymns and music.
The Third Sunday in the month is a Family Eucharist with a mix of old and new hymns.
On the Second and Fourth Sunday in the month, this service is a Sung Eucharist, with choir and organ and follows the pattern of the Church of England services set for each week, including Communion. If you have not been confirmed, don't worry, just bring up a service book to the altar and receive a blessing.
If there is a Fifth Sunday in the Month, there is often a "Songs of Praise" service, with hymns chosen by the congregation or village organisations, with readings and prayers.
Our 6.30 pm Sunday Services
The first Sunday in the month is a Healing communion.
The second Sunday of the month is Compline, a quiet service to end the day.
The third Sunday is Choral Evensong followed the fourth Sunday by Study, including Bible study.
Should there be a fifth Sunday in the month it will be an Evening Prayer service.