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Sharing God's LoveGrowing FaithWorshipping Together

Thought for the week:

At the beginning of Luke’s reading we find the people waiting expectantly and wondering if… it is good at the start of the new year to be expectant and wondering, expectant of God’s Blessing and wondering what it might be. So we don’t miss it, we need eyes open like the apostles in the Acts reading.

The Samaritans had received the good news of Jesus. Peter and John went to pray for them and God blessed them with the Holy Spirit. The Samaritans were the cultural, tribal, religious and ethnic enemies of the Jews, the apostles had taken their blinkers off and saw then as equals, people blessed by God, and brothers and sisters in Christ. God blessed them both. Question, who are we being asked to welcome as part of God’s family who we consider ‘not one of us’ and to be blessed by them?




Heavenly Father,

at the Jordan you revealed Jesus as your Son:

may we recognize him as our Lord

and know ourselves to be your beloved children;

through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Our Sister Churches:
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